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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Communication Strategies of Traditional and Open Chemists

This is a link to a presentation delivered to students at Texas Tech University on the communication strategies of traditional and open chemists based on the "system" and "lifeworld" theories of Jurgen Habermas.

Podcast (mp3)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

LCCC Closed Chemistry Interview

The students in English 105 Honors at Lehigh Carbon Community College interviewed Kim Ashman, Director of Quality and Compliance, at Sonofi-Aventis. While she discusses "closed" chemistry and drug development, the students are using this information to frame an argument to promote Open Notebook Science. Some of the questions discuss patenting and competition and large mergers.


JSpecView Demo

This is a screencast of how to use JSpecView to analyze spectra from an experiment involving the synthesis of anti-malarial compounds. It demonstrates the utility of delving deeply into the raw data of "failed experiments".

More chemistry details available here.

Here is the audio podcast (mp3).

JSpecView Demo (vodcast)

This is a screencast of how to use JSpecView to analyze spectra from an experiment involving the synthesis of anti-malarial compounds. It demonstrates the utility of delving deeply into the raw data of "failed experiments".

More chemistry details available here.

Here is the video ipod format (m4v).

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